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Tricks to look skinnier in a swimsuit

Posted on Oct 9, 2019 in Good Appearance

Tricks to look skinnier in a swimsuit

Getting into a swimsuit in great shape can be a lifelong struggle. Even if you achieve your initial fitness goals, there always seems to be another area that could use improvement.

As such, we don’t blame you for wanting a bit of figure help from your choice of swimsuit. The trick is to pick a suit style that suits your body shape, if you have a bigger chest, such as a halter-top.

Having your silhouette simplified with a swimsuit with thin patterns, tiny polka dots or rushing. Standing up straight will also take pounds off your look. Surprisingly, choosing the right color also has a major role in bringing in a skinny appearance.

look skinnierKnow your lines

Look for ones that flatter your body when you put on a swimsuit with lines. It’s a misconception that horizontal lines give you a fatter appearance.

This study found that thick vertical lines make an individual appear larger than they are. Choosing dark color swimsuit hides completeness.

Do not forget a hat

A wide-brimmed hat will draw attention away from any discomfort you might have,

plus, it’s a chic fashion accessory, and protects your skin from damage from heat.

Avoid large prints

If you’re a bold fashionista who loves fun prints, go ahead! But when choosing a suit which better flatters your body, go for small prints over big ones.

Large flowers or geometrical forms can also make you look bigger. Seek smaller prints with a cool indie feel like the polka dots and patterns.

Choose the best color

Dark shades tend to be the most attractive of images. If you go in a black or deep blue suit, a solid silhouette will be formed.

“Color blocking” suits with darker panels or cut-outs may also build a curvier or slimming figure. Remember, dark color swimsuit makes you look skinny.

Wear Wedge sandals

It’s no secret that heels make you look taller and leaner, but wearing heels to the pool or in the beach sand isn’t that practical.

In reality, it’s very ridiculous! But to give you the slim effect you can wear wedges and lofty sandals, and make your legs look amazing!

Go for dark-colored flattering lines

Thin and dark horizontal lines color swimsuit help to look skinny can give an hourglass figure an illusion. Small vertical lines are much better if you want to look slimmer and taller.